Shipping Policy

Processing Time

Orders that include items that are in stock will ship out within 7 business days.  If you ordered any items that are made to order or for preorder, please see the individual item listings for processing times.  All items in an order will ship together.

Shipping Time

Most orders are received between 3-7 days after mail date.  Actual delivery time will be determined by shipping method chosen by purchaser.  

Once an item has left our possession and is with the mail carrier, the only information we have is the provided tracking number. Mo'o Hawai'i cannot be held responsible for loss, theft or damages once an item has left our possession and is with the designated mail carrier. We understand the frustration and annoyance that comes with missing packages and we are happy to assist you throughout the process of locating your package as best we can.

Route insurance: We offer insurance against lost, stolen, and/or damaged packages through Route. If you choose to insure your order with Route, you will receive a full replacement if your order gets lost, stolen, or damaged during transit. Route is automatically added to your order, however you can opt out. If you opt out, your package will not be insured.

Customs & Import Taxes

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. Mo'o Hawai'i LLC is not responsible for delays due to customs.